Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Institutional (CPUT) approaches
1. Institutional approach towards digital learning
- CPUT is using the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) digital platform to support teaching and learning of students.
- However, most of the teaching is taking place in a face-to-face lecture format in the classroom.
- There are many lecturers who make use of blended learning in their teaching.
- Remote learning is used in Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) courses, especially when students are at work site off campus.
2. Role of different professional support structures during the remote teaching period
- The Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET) at CPUT provides webinars for lecturers on how to produce online lectures and learning material.
- Fundani CHED Student Learning Unit produced a survey collecting data from students about their challenges and resources in terms of learning during the lockdown period. They also developed a guide for remote learning.
3. Professional support / learning opportunities for academics during this period
- The staff development unit offers online courses/ webinars for lecturers.
- Departments held weekly online meetings with lecturers.
4. Learning support offered to students during this period
- No teaching and assessment were allowed during the lockdown period, because the majority of CPUT’s students do not have access to electronic devices and/ or internet connection at their homes, especially in rural areas.
- However, those who are fortunate to have internet access could make use of the Blackboard LMS and work through electronic learning content.